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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

West of Scotland Trainee Committee (WAGS)


This committee made up of trainees at all levels throughout the West of Scotland (WoS). We represent each of the 7 units to give feedback on the training received and any issues arising. We also arrange social events through the year and have various projects ongoing like the WoS buddy scheme. We meet approximately every 8-10 weeks and are open to all trainees in WoS.

Contact us at wags.committee@gmail.com and follow us on instragram.

  • Chair – Christy Lamont
  • Vice chair - Katie Paul
  • Secretary - Jen Martin
  • Treasurer - Hattie Sunter
  • Social Sec - Michaela Jewson
  • Med school liaison - David Smith
  • Communications - Neil Cowan
  • Sub spec rep - Priyanka Krishnaswamy
  • Senior rep – Gordon Buchanan/David Rutherford
  • Intermediate rep - Kim Yong
  • Junior rep – Michaela Jewson
  • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital reps -Fiona Learmonth and Riada McCreadie
  • Princess Royal Maternity reps - Sumaya Yamin and Cationa Kerr Wilson
  • Royal Alexandra Hospital rep - Michaela Jewson
  • Crosshouse rep - David Smith
  • Dumfries and Galloway rep - Samuel Enkola
  • Forth Valley Royal Hospital rep – Kimberly Wong and David Rutherford
  • NHS Lanarkshire – Sangeetha Palaparthy


This page was last updated on: 04.11.2021 at 11.33
