Trainee Committee – South East Scotland

SESOG Committee (South East Scotland Obstetrics & Gynaecology Committee)
The SESOG Committee meets four times per year, currently by virtual meetings. The Committee has representation from all units in the region as well as from trainees who are out of programme, undertaking academic work and contributing to other professional committees at regional or national level.
Contact details:
Trainee Committee members 2022/2023
- Chair: Laura Stirrat
- Vice Chair: Sarah Milliken / Alex Viner
- Treasurer: Cheryl Dunlop
- Social Rep: Dominique Baker
- Equality, Diversity & Differential Attainment: Arpana Singh
- OOP Rep: Liz Layden
- Subspec Reps: Alex Viner / Cheryl Dunlop
- Academic Rep: Lucy Whitaker
- Portfolio / Curriculum Rep: Marieanne Watters
- UKARCOG Rep: Cheryl Dunlop
- RIE ST1 Rep: Michael Dias
- RIE ST2 Rep: Angharad Campbell
- RIE ST3-5 Rep: Jo Reed
- RIE ST6-7 Rep: -
- RIE Workforce Junior Rep
- VHK Rep: Marieanne Watters
- SJH Rep: Rosie Howitt
- BGH Rep: Ellie Rea
The Committee discuss issues related to training within each hospital and also how any wider or national training related matters relate to trainees in South East Scotland. Meeting minutes are shared with all trainees in the region and Committee members report to:
- Training Programme Director
- Head of School for O&G
- South East Scotland Specialty Training Committee
- South East Trainee Advisory Group
- NES Specialty Training Board for Obstetrics & Gynaecology training Scotland
- Scottish Academy of Doctors in Training Group
- Scottish RCOG Committee
- RCOG National Trainees’ Committee
This page was last updated on: 16.01.2023 at 09.00