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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence


Who is Reviewing

Quality Management Reviews occur over the course of a day and are structured to allow adequate time to speak with location management teams, trainees, trainers, nurses and allied health professionals. Occasionally department managers and administration staff will also attend relevant sessions. Trainee and trainer sessions are usually scheduled to last approximately 45 minutes but can occasionally run longer if required. An example of a Review timetable can be found below:

Review Panel Roles



Lead Reviewer

The Dental Directorate has a pool of Lead Reviewers that includes the Postgraduate Dental Dean, Associate Postgraduate Deans, Training Leads/Advisers, and Training Programme Directors.

The Lead Reviewer will be appointed at the start of the Review Process, based on availability and also taking into account any need to avoid any potential Conflict of Interest e.g. a Lead Reviewer would not lead a Review into their own specialty, work location, or Health Board

Chairs each session of the Quality Management Review, facilitates discussion, and helps focus panel members on areas of interest. 

Responsible for collating and presenting Review findings during the feedback session.

Confirms the content of the published Review Report.

Associate Postgraduate Dean or

Specialty Training Programme Director

Active Review Panel member, may but not always be from the specialty being visited.

Provides additional insight into the structure and curriculum of the specialty visited to help inform fellow panel members.

Dental Directorate Quality Manager

Active Review Panel member with an in depth understanding of the NES Dental Directorate Quality Management Framework and processes.

Responsible for writing the Review Report based upon the Review findings, and panel members’ individual feedback

Quality Management  Administrator

Administrative role on the Quality Management Review Panel. Responsible for documenting the points discussed during each session, thereby allowing reference and technical accuracy when writing the Review Report.  

Lay Representative

Active Review Panel member providing a valuable external perspective to the Quality Management Review Panel.

Lay representatives often have a non-dental background and offer a wealth of knowledge from their experience across various other working environments.

Royal College Representative

Active Review Panel member, not always present.

Royal colleges may be invited to nominate a representative to participate on the Panel during Quality Management Reviews to their respective specialty to offer their expertise in relation to curricular requirements and examinations.

GDC Representative

Active Review Panel member, not always present.

Attendance dependent on the nature of the Quality Management Review.

Trainee Associates

Quality management trainee associates were introduced to the panel to provide a trainees’ perspective on any issues which may arise during a visit. If you are interested in the role or becoming a NES quality management trainee associate you can find more information here.

This page was last updated on: 17.12.2021 at 13.36
