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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence


Pre-Review Questionnaires (PRQs)

Six weeks prior to a Quality Management Review, the Dental Directorate Quality Manager creates a series of PRQs for the various cohorts who will be participating in the Review.

The normal format for this is to create PRQs for the following groups:

  • Nurses and AHP staff
  • Trainees
  • Trainers

Where there are different grades or types of trainee at the location, e.g. Core and Specialty Trainees, separate groupings and PRQs will be created to accommodate differences in training and experiences, rather than having a single trainee group where a collective view or response may not appropriately represent each participant’s views and experiences within their training programme.

The relevant cohorts working at the site or programme due to be reviewed are invited to complete a pre-review questionnaire (PRQ). This can also enable anyone on leave or with clinical commitments at the time of their session within the Review to still contribute their views to the overall Review Process.

The PRQ covers various aspects of the training environment and can include;

  • Induction,
  • handover,
  • rota and workload,
  • availability of study leave,
  • provision of feedback,
  • local and regional teaching arrangements,
  • educational and clinical supervision,
  • issues relating to culture and undermining, and
  • raising patient safety concerns.

The results of all PRQs are collated anonymously, ensuring no answer is ever attributable to a single individual. An opportunity to leave free text comments exists, and these are often helpful should someone wish to praise an aspect of their training to the panel or highlight a specific area that they believe could be improved upon.

The PRQ is emailed to identified participants directly from the Dental Directorate Quality Manager and remains open for two weeks. Participants are strongly encouraged to complete the PRQ as it provides invaluable information to the Review Panel in advance of a Review, reflecting the views and experiences of current trainees, trainers, and support staff, effectively offering a ‘real-time’ account of the training environment. During the pre-Review videoconferences the results from the PRQs contribute significantly to any discussion and help identify aspects of training that the panel may wish to explore in greater detail.

This page was last updated on: 17.12.2021 at 13.39
