Trainee information
As a trainee paediatrician, you may experience difficulties which affect your work and/or training. Whether you have health problems, family difficulties, workplace issues, doubts about career choice or lack of examination success you should not think you are alone.
Local department is usually the first place to seek advice and support. Staff may understand specific problems and be in a position to provide solutions.
There is a range of support available from the deanery itself, at the Professional support pages (link) but to highlight on aspect:
There are levels of support offered and they have Trainee Support Coaches available to guide trainees through the process. Feedback from trainees has been very positive as this group is experienced in many areas of difficulty, often has useful contacts and can help share the burden, whatever the cause. Trainees can self refer by emailling
RCPCH College Resources
Career support service | RCPCH Free RCPCH service which can provide personal career advice through a network of advisors
What happens when you stop? | RCPCH - A worthwhile read.
Where to go for help and support for doctors’ wellbeing. A web page resource that points to a selection of general and profession specific resources for doctors experiencing problems in their personal or working life.
Wellbeing for health professionals. A web resource that provides original resources about health and wellbeing.
Survive and thrive in paediatrics. A web resource that provides original resources on career development for paediatricians at all stages of their career.
Have a look at your sub-specialty training options
Have a look at your sub-specialty training posts and posts available through the UK
RCPCH guidance on LTFT, how to apply and advise for those who are already LTFT
Counselling and peer support for doctors and medical students ( Membership not required.
GMC investigation support - Doctor support service (
Resilience | Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (
How to build resilience and boost wellbeing - YouTube - Provide Mediation / mindfulness sessions
Headspace for the NHS - Mindfulness and Sleep resources - free for NHS
Useful tips to aid sleep | Association of Anaesthetists
Sleep, breaks and wellbeing for health professionals | RCPCH
Calm - The #1 App for Meditation and Sleep
This page was last updated on: 10.04.2024 at 14.32