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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

North Specialty Training Committee

North of Scotland Paediatric TrainingInformation on the North Specialty Training Committee can be found below.

Any ideas, feedback, issues, concerns? We would love to hear from you!

Email: nhsh.nospaedstraineecommittee@nhs.scot

Alan Denison

Alan Denison

Lead Dean

Email »

Dr. Mandy Hunter

Dr. Mandy Hunter

Associate Dean

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr. Shyla Kishore

Dr. Shyla Kishore

Training Programme Director

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr. Vijender Kistareddy

Dr. Vijender Kistareddy

RCPCH college tutor for NHS Grampian

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr. Zoe Jacob

Dr. Zoe Jacob

North of Scotland Deanery Rep

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr. Alan Webb

Dr. Alan Webb

RCPCH college tutor for NHS Highland’

North of Scotland

Email »

This page was last updated on: 09.04.2024 at 13.41
