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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

Welcome to the Scottish School of Paediatrics

Scotland provides excellent paediatric training programmes with placements in units and hospitals at the forefront of clinical research and delivery. There are opportunities for academia, research and sub-specialty training, as well as flexible working and other experiences set outside the programme itself. These pages provide useful education and training information for the paediatric programmes within Scotland.

NES is one of the 4 UK Statutory Education Bodies and contributes to the support, funding and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare education, and ongoing workforce development for the NHS in Scotland.

RCPCH set the curriculum and the delivery and assessment of training is overseen by NES training boards. This Specialty Training Board comprises of the following specialties: Paediatrics; Obstetrics and gynaecology; Paediatric Cardiology; and Community & Sexual Reproductive Health. It has five meetings a year. Its purpose covers a number of elements all of which support training, complementing the work of the Scotland Deanery and advising the NES Medical Directorate Executive Team (MDET).

Professor Alan Denison

Professor Alan Denison

Lead Dean

Email »

Dr Claire Alexander

Dr Claire Alexander

Chair of Specialty Training Board

Email »

Carol Leiper

Carol Leiper

Training Programme Team Lead for Paediatrics and O&G Admin for North and East programmes

Email »

Sonia McInnes

Sonia McInnes

Training Programme Administrator

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr Shyla Kishore

Dr Shyla Kishore

Training Programme Director

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr Ihab Shaheen

Dr Ihab Shaheen

Training Programme Director

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr Ben Smith

Dr Ben Smith

Training Programme Director

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr Laura Jones

Dr Laura Jones

Training Programme Director

South East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Ailsa McLellan

Dr Ailsa McLellan

Training Programme Director

South East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Joanna Chisholm

Dr Joanna Chisholm

Training Programme Director

East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Chris Lilley

Dr Chris Lilley

Associate Dean

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr. Claire Alexander

Dr. Claire Alexander

Associate Dean

South East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Mandy Hunter

Dr Mandy Hunter

Associate Dean

North of Scotland

Email »

Dr Tom Fardon

Dr Tom Fardon

Associate Dean

East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Bryony Howard

Dr Bryony Howard

Junior Trainee Rep

South East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Christopher Tee

Dr Christopher Tee

Trainee Rep

South East of Scotland

Email »

Dr Nicola Britton

Dr Nicola Britton

Trainee Rep

East of Scotland

Dr Gregor Scott

Dr Gregor Scott

Trainee Rep

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr Darren Cameron

Dr Darren Cameron

Trainee Rep

West of Scotland

Email »

Dr Kathleen Collins

Dr Kathleen Collins

NES Associate Postgraduate Dean for Paediatric Simulation

West of Scotland

Email »

Natalia Durok

Natalia Durok

Training Programme Administrator

North, South East and East Scotland

Email »

This page was last updated on: 07.07.2022 at 08.43
