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Academic publications

SMERC's recent academic outputs are listed below.


Scanlan, GM, Cleland, J, Stirling, SA, Walker, K & Johnston, P 2019, 'Does initial postgraduate career intention and social demographics predict perceived career behaviour? A national cross-sectional survey of UK postgraduate doctors' BMJ Open, vol. 9, no. 8, e026444.  https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026444.



Lundin, R.M., Bashir, K., Bullock, A., Kostov, C.E., Mattick, K.L., Rees, C.E., Monrouxe, L.V. “I’d been like freaking out the whole night”: exploring emotion regulation based on junior doctors’ narratives.  Adv in Health Sci Educ (2018) 23: 7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-017-9769-y.

Dennis, A.A., Foy, M.J., Monrouxe, L.V. et al. Exploring trainer and trainee emotional talk in narratives about workplace-based feedback processes. Adv in Health Sci Educ (2018) 23: 75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-017-9775-0.

Fahey Palma T, Cleland J.  “People who come from state education are different”: how language maintains social exclusion in medical education.  In press, Advances in Health Sciences Education.

Stubbing E, Helmich E, Cleland JA. Authoring the identity of learner before doctor in the figured world of medical school.  Perspectives in Medical Education 2018: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-017-0399-0.

Cleland J.  The Medical School Admissions Process and Meeting the Public’s Health Care Needs: Never the Twain Shall Meet? Academic Medicine, published online ahead of print January 2018.

Dowell J, Cleland JA, Fitzpatrick S, McManus C, Nicholson S, Oppé T, Petty-Saphon K, Sierocinska King O, Smith D, Thorton S, White K.  The UK Medical Education Database (UKMED) What is it? Why and how might you use it?  BMC Medical Education 2018, 18:6 DOI 10.1186/s12909-017-1115-9.



Cleland JA, Cilliers F, van Schalkwyk S.  The learning environment in remediation: a review.  The Clinical Teacher 2017 Early View 20 DEC 2017, DOI: 10.1111/tct.12739

Gordon, L. J., Jindal-Snape, D., Morrison, J., Muldoon, J., Needham, G., Siebert, S. & Rees, C. E. Multiple and multidimensional transitions from trainee to trained doctor: a qualitative longitudinal study in the UK.  BMJ Open. 7, 11, e018583

Gordon L, Rees C, Ker J, Cleland JA.  Using video-reflexive ethnography to capture the complexity of leadership enactment in the healthcare workplace.  Advances in Health Sciences Education 2017:22 (9): 1101–1121.

Cleland JA, Roberts R, Kitto S, Strand P, Johnston PJ.  Using paradox theory to discern responses to service-training tensions in general surgery.  Medical Education 2017; early view from 6th Nov http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/medu.13475/full

Kumwenda B, Cleland JA, Walker K, Lee AJ, Greatrix R.  The relationship between school type and academic performance at medical school: a national, multi-cohort study.  BMJ Open 2017; 2017;7:e016291. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016291

Scrimgeour DSG, Cleland JA, Lee AP, Griffiths G, McKinley AJ, Marx C, Brennan P.  Does the mandatory postgraduate UK surgical exam predict selection into specialty training? British Journal of Surgery Open 2017; 1 (3): 67-74.

Cleland JA.  Simulation based education. The Psychologist October 2017. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-30/october/simulation-based-education

Cleland JA, Dolmans D.  Looking beyond the individual: Quality research requires supportive environments.  Medical Teacher 2017; 39 (9): 904-905.

Hawick L, Cleland JA, Kitto S.  Getting off the Carousel: Exploring the Wicked Problem of Curriculum Reform.  Perspectives in Medical Education 2017; 6: 337–343.

Cleland JA, Johnston P, Watson V, Krucien N, Skatun D. What do UK medical students value most in their career?  A discrete choice experiment.  Medical Education 2017; 51 (8): 839–851.

Sholl S, Ajjawi R, Allbutt H, Butler J, Jindal-Snape D, Morrison J, Rees CE.  Balancing healthcare education and patient care in the UK workplace: a realist synthesis. Medical Education 2017; 51 (8):  787–801.

Roberts R, Cleland JA, Strand P, Kitto S, Johnston PJ.  Medical students’ views of clinical environments. The Clinical Teacher 2017; 14: 1-6.

Alexander K, Fahey Palma T, Nicholson S, Cleland J. “Why not you?” Discourses of widening access on UK medical school websites.  Medical Education 2017; 51 (6): 598–611.

Hawick L, Cleland JA, Kitto S.  Sending messages: How faculty influence professionalism teaching and learning.  Medical Teacher 2017; 39 (9): 987-994.

Cleland JA. Simulation-based education: what’s it all about? Perspectives in Medical Education 2017; doi:10.1007/s40037-017-0354-0.  First online 30 May 2017.

Cleland JA. The qualitative orientation in medical education research. Korean Journal of Medical Education Korean J Med Educ 2017; 29(2): 61-71. : https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2017.53

Patterson F, Cleland JA, Cousins F.  Selection methods in healthcare professions: where are we now and where next?  Advances in Health Sciences Education 2017; 22:229–242

MacKenzie RK, Dowell J, Ayansina D, Cleland JA. Do personal attributes assessed on medical school admission predict exit performance? A UK-wide longitudinal cohort study. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2017; 365–385.

Nicholson S, Cleland JA.  “It’s making contacts”: Notions of social capital and their implications for medical selection and education. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2017; 22: 477–490.

Dennis, A. A., Foy, M. J., Monrouxe, L. V. & Rees, C. E. Exploring trainer and trainee emotional talk in narratives about workplace-based feedback processes. Advances in Health Sciences Education Accepted/In press April 2017. p. 1-19 19.

Torre D, Manca A, Janczukowicz J, Taylor D, Cleland JA.  Learning at large conferences: from the "sage on the stage" to contemporary models of learning.  Perspectives in Medical Education 2017: 6: 205. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-017-0351-3

Ajjawi, R., Barton, K. L., Dennis, A. A. & Rees, C. E. Developing a national dental education research strategy: Priorities, barriers and enablers. BMJ Open 2017; 7 (3): e013129.

Moore JN, McDiarmid AJ, Johnston PW, Cleland JA.   MBChB.  Identifying and exploring factors influencing career choice, recruitment and retention of Anaesthesia trainees in the UK.  Postgraduate Medical Journal 2017;93:61-66.

Dennis, A., Gordon, L., Howden, S. & Jindal-Snape, D.  An evaluation of a Scottish higher education ‘Student Transitions’ Enhancement Theme: stakeholders’ perceptions and recommendations for future activities. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice 2017: 5 (2): p. 22-30.

Rees, C. E. Transitions in health professional education: Theory, research and practice.  Focus on Health Professional Education 2017: 18 (3): 4-9.

Alexander K, Nicholson S, Cleland JA.  Let us not neglect the impact of organisational culture on increasing diversity within medical schools. Perspectives in Medical Education; 6 (2): 65-67.

Herbert C, Kent S, Magennis P, Cleland JA. What causes trainees to leave oral and maxillofacial surgery? A questionnaire survey.  British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017: 55; 37–40.

Kent S, Herbert C, Magennis P, Cleland JA. What attracts people to a career in oral and maxillofacial surgery? A questionnaire survey.  British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017: 55; p41–45.

Ford H, Cleland JA, Thomas I.  Simulated ward round: reducing costs, not outcomes.  Clinical Teacher 2017;14 (1):49-54.



Cleland JA, Roberts T.  Through the looking glass: a different lens on medical Education.  Medical Education 2016; 50 (12): 1184–1185.

MacKenzie RK, Cleland JA, Ayansina D, Nicholson S. Does the UKCAT predict performance on exit from medical school? A national cohort study. BMJ Open 2016; 6:e011313  doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011313.

Nicol LG, Walker KG, Cleland J, Partridge R, Moug SJ.  Incentivising practice with take-home laparoscopic simulators in two UK Core Surgical Training programmes.  BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning 2016; 2016, 2 (4) 112-117; DOI: 10.1136/bmjstel-2016-000117

Cleland JA, Walker K, Gale M, Nicol LJ.  Simulation-based education: Understanding the complexity of a surgical training “Boot Camp”.  Medical Education, 2016: 50: 829–841.

Scholl S, Ajjawi R, Allbutt H, Butler J, Jindal-Snape D, Morrison J, Rees CE.  Balancing student/trainee learning with the delivery of patient care in the healthcare workplace: a protocol for realist synthesis.  BMJ Open 2016;6:e011145  doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011145 

Mattick, K. L., Kaufhold, K., Kelly, N., Cole, J. A., Scheffler, G., Rees, C. E., Bullock, A., Gormley, G. J. & Monrouxe, L. V. Implications of aligning full registration of doctors with medical school graduation: A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives. BMJ Open 2016 6 (2): 1-9.

Cleland JA, Burr J, Johnston PJ.  A qualitative evaluation of the Scottish Staff and Associate Specialist Development Programme.  Scottish Medical Journal 2016: 61(2): 92–96.

Cleland JA, Johnston P, Watson V, Krucien N, Skatun D. What do UK doctors-in-training value in a post?  A discrete choice experiment.  Medical Education 2016: 50 (2); 189-202.

Patterson F, Knight A, Dowell J, Nicholson S, Cleland JA.  How effective are selection methods in medical education? A systematic review.  Medical Education, 2016: 50 (1): 36-60.

Hall E, Cleland J, Mattick K.  Partnerships in medical education: looking across disciplinary boundaries to extend knowledge.  Perspectives in Medical Education 2016; 5: 71-72.

Hawick L, Kitto S, Cleland J.  Curriculum reform: the more things change, the more they stay the same? Perspectives in Medical Education 2016; 5: 5-7.

Brown C, Cleland JA, Walsh K. The costs of medical education assessment.  Medical Teacher 2016; 38: 111-112.

Cleland JA, Patey R, Thomas I, Walker K, O’Connor P, Russ.  Supporting transitions in medical career pathways: the role of simulation-based education.  Advances in Simulation 2016 1:14.



Gordon L, Rees C, Ker J, Cleland J. Leadership and followership in the healthcare workplace: exploring medical trainees’ experiences through narrative inquiry. BMJ Open 1 Dec 2015, doi http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/12/e008898   

Gordon LJ, Rees CE, Ker JS, Cleland JA.  Dimensions, discourses and differences: trainees conceptualising health care leadership and followership.  Medical Education, 2015; 49: 1248–1262.

Brown C, Ross S, Cleland JA, Walsh K.  Money makes the (medical assessment) world go round: The cost of components of a summative final year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).  Medical Teacher 2015; 37: 653-659.

Rees, C., Francis, B. & Pollard, A. Health Educational Research. Research Intelligence 2015: 126, p. 14-14.

Nicholson S, Cleland JA.  Reframing research on widening participation in medical education: using theory to inform practice.  In Cleland JA and Durning S.  2015.  Researching Medical Education.  Wiley: Oxford, p.231-243.

Bleakley A, Cleland JA.  Sticking with messy realities: how ‘thinking with complexity’ can inform healthcare education research.  In Cleland JA and Durning S.  2015.  Researching Medical Education.  Wiley: Oxford, p.81-92.

Cleland JA.  Exploring versus measuring: considering the fundamental differences between qualitative and quantitative research. In Cleland JA and Durning S.  2015.  Researching Medical Education.  Wiley: Oxford, p.3-14.

Rees, C. E., Francis, B. & Pollard, A. The state of medical education research: what can we learn from the outcomes of the UK Research Excellence Framework? Medical Education 2015: 49 (5): 446 – 448.

Lefroy J, Hawarden A, Gay S, McKinley RK, Cleland JA.  The impact of grades in formative workplace-based assessments – a study of what works, for whom and why.  Medical Education, 2015; 49 (3): 307-20.

Cleland JA, Kelly N, Moffat M, Nicholson S. Taking context seriously: explaining widening access policy enactments in UK medical schools.  Medical Education, 2015; 49 (1): 25-35.


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