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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence


A nine-year programme of work funded by NES initially, then via SMERC and external funding bodies (e.g., UKCAT Research Consortium), examines the aspirations of senior medical students, FYs and trainees on how they select jobs, and what they want from a job.  This is led by Johnston (Aberdeen).

Work under this theme provides the most contemporary intelligence about the careers decision making of today’s medical students, Foundation doctors and trainee, including when and how to intervene to influence medical student and trainee career decision making, to ensure our workforce is distributed by specialty as needed to meet healthcare needs.

This work informed the development of a new focus of Workforce research - examining what medical students and trainees want from the clinical learning environment (CLE), how they experience it, and what changes will best meet their educational needs.  Several current SMERC projects focus on this area.

Finally, Cleland’s multi-centre work on selection and increasing diversity in medical education has informed UK national policy and international practice on how best to select at the point of entry into medical school.  This programme of research is leading edge in terms of gathering the evidence on how best to attract applicants from diverse backgrounds to medicine. 

This page was last updated on: 06.04.2023 at 08.34
