NHS Education for Scotland (NES) access a number of surveys to support decision making regarding the quality of postgraduate medical education and training in Scotland. Information about the surveys is below as well as links to each survey for the current year.
For the purpose of making the data more understandable, RAG (Red - And -Green) reports have been developed. The scales used to determine the ratings vary, guidance is provided within each report. On a general basis green indicates an above average score, while red indicates a below average score.
GMC National Training Survey
Since 2006 the GMC has undertaken a national survey of trainee doctors covering the four UK nations. The surveys are important components of the quality management process as they produce quantitative data that can be directly linked to the GMC national standards. You can access the NTS results on the GMC website.
Scottish Trainee Survey
The Scottish Training Survey (STS) was conceived of in 2013 as a replacement to the Post Assessment Questionnaire. The driving aim was to have a survey that produces robust indicators for quality management. A further aim of the STS was to capture data about each post, rather than just once a year. A pilot project was run during 2022-23 to survey new areas, particularly around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. The final version of the new survey went live in June 2023. A copy of the current questions which are now being asked in the STS can be viewed here
Undergraduate survey
The Medical Schools and NES developed the joint Undergraduate survey reports in 2009 and since 2010 have published the results. The reports and threshold levels were modified in 2011 but since then the method has remained fixed. The Medical Schools’ student survey contains 14 questions that are converted into indicators for the reports. St Andrews uses a different question containing 10 questions which are mapped to selected indicators. The responses are on a five point ordinal scale except for Glasgow where a four point scale is used.
Health board |
2023 STS RAG report | 2023 Undergraduate report |
Ayrshire and Arran |
Borders |
Dumfries & Galloway |
Fife |
Forth Valley |
Report | |
Grampian |
Report | |
Greater Glasgow & Clyde |
Highland |
Lanarkshire |
Lothian |
National Waiting Times Centre |
Orkney |
Shetland | ||
State Hospital |
N/A |
Tayside |
Report | Report |
Western Isles |
If you would like to access reports from previous years please contact DeaneryQualityManagment@nes.scot.nhs.uk
This page was last updated on: 11.07.2024 at 14.31