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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Quality management

Deanery Reports

Specialty Quality Management Groups (SQMGs) are accountable to overarching Deanery Quality Management Group (DQMG) and to the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Medical Directorate Senior Team (MDST).


Dean's Report to the General Medical Council (GMC)

Until 2016 the Dean's Report was completed on an annual basis, but in 2016 the GMC introduced an online reporting system, ODR, to allow more regular sharing of information and updates. Updates can now be provided following quality management activity such as deanery visits or receipt of reports from Directors of Medical Education and Training Programme Directors.

The Lead Director Dean of the sQMGs are accountable to DQMG & to MDST for updating and responding to lines in the Dean’s Report to the GMC that relate to concerns about training in posts and programmes in their specialties. The Dean’s Report is the main tool for reporting to the GMC on progress of actions taken about concerns around training. The Dean’s Report entries are managed by the Associate Postgraduate Dean for Quality and Quality Improvement Managers and updated throughout the year by the sQMGs using the online Dean’s report tool on GMC connect.


Scotland Deanery Annual Quality Report

A report is provided annually to the NES Board’s Educational and Research Governance committee about the work of the DQMG, about Scotland’s enhanced monitoring cases and about the GMC’s feedback on the Dean’s report.  A more detailed description of our governance arrangements can be found here

This page was last updated on: 17.05.2023 at 08.25
