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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainee information

Reasonable adjustments for disabled trainees

The Scotland Deanery is committed to an inclusive approach to disabled doctors in training. If you have a disability, you may need to have reasonable adjustments to your workplace or training arrangements to help you progress through your programme.

For general advice and information, please visit the GMC's pages on Health and Disability in Education and Training. The GMC have developed guidance [Gateways to the Professions] which includes advice and practical suggestions for doctors in training so that they do not face unnecessary barriers to successful medical careers.

The deanery has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the educational aspects of your training, for example, support for learning and assessment.

Your employer (health board) has a duty to make reasonable adjustments to your working arrangements, for example, adaptations to rotas/shift length or physical environment.

Examples of reasonable adjustments can be found in the appendix of the GMC’s Gateways to the Professions.

It’s important that if you think that you may require adjustments in relation to your training generally, or in relation to a specific placement/post, you should get in touch with your educational supervisor / clinical supervisor or training programme director in the first instance.  They will be able to advise you and provide you with direct support in your training environment.  Where required they will refer you to individuals within your local deanery team or employing health board to give more specialist advice.

If you do not feel able to raise your concerns with your educational / clinical supervisor or training programme director, please get in touch with your local deanery administrator who can refer you to a relevant member of the deanery team; or contact us via the website.

BMA Guidance on Reasonable Adjustments

Foundation Reference Guide

Gold Guide (endorsement of anti-discriminatory practice in recruitment - section 6.1; statement on eligibility for LTFT training on the grounds of disability - section 6.73)

NES Inclusive Education and Learning Policy

Link to Scottish Medical Training (reasonable adjustments in relation to recruitment) [this page is under construction]

Scotland Deanery: Training Less Than Full Time (LTFT)

Scotland Deanery: Professional Support



This page was last updated on: 15.04.2024 at 13.33
