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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

ARCP outcomes

Outcome 1

Satisfactory progress - achieving progress and the development of competences at the expected rate.

Outcome 2 Development of specific competences required – additional training time not required. Not applicable for Foundation Trainees.
Outcome 3 Insufficient progress  – additional training time required.
Outcome 4 Released from training programme - with or without specified capabilities.
Outcome 5 Incomplete evidence presented – An assessment of progression cannot be made.
Outcome 6 Recommendation for completion of training - gained all required capabilities.
Outcome 7.1 (LAT) Satisfactory progress in or completion of the post.
Outcome 7.2 (LAT) Development of specific capabilities required – additional training time not required.
Outcome 7.3 (LAT) Insufficient progress by the trainee.
Outcome 7.4 (LAT) Incomplete evidence presented.
Outcome 8 Out of programme for clinical experience, research or a career break (OOPR/OOPE/OOPC).

For more information in relation to ARCP outcomes, please consult Gold Guide version 9.

This page was last updated on: 26.03.2024 at 15.05
