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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainer information

Induction for Trainees

It is important that the Programme Director ensures all new trainees to the specialty/placement receive local induction to the programme to ensure:

  • trainees are aware of their role and responsibilities to ensure patient safety
  • they understand the approved curriculum
  • how their post fits within the programme; their duties and reporting arrangements; their role in the inter-professional and inter-disciplinary team
  • workplace and departmental policies and procedures (ordering investigations/admission and transfer etc and to meet key staff)
  • all trainees have named Educational Supervisor and arrangements are in place for a first meeting to take place
  • understand their responsibility to engage in training and complete assessments and appraisal as agreed in their deanery learning agreement. 

Induction is ideally provided both through face-to-face meeting (with social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic) and electronic information. The hospital will also provide generic induction which Programme Directors should encourage trainees to attend.

There are two short films available which provide brief introductions to the deanery - you may find it useful to include these in your programme inductions: Welcome to the Scotland Deanery. Please also promote the Scotland Deanery website as a valued resource for both trainees and trainers.


This page was last updated on: 23.02.2022 at 09.17
