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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

Trainer information

Enhanced support for trainees new to the programme

At the conclusion of national recruitment, the Deanery receives information via Oriel regarding trainees who have advised on their application that they would benefit from support. The Deanery also receives information about trainees who are International medical graduates (IMGs) and trainees who hold a CREST form (further detail)

This information enables the Deanery, via Training Programme Directors (TPDs), to arrange proactive discussions with trainees who may benefit from additional support and early educational planning discussions.

A standard letter will be issued by the Lead Postgraduate Dean for the specialty, via deanery programme administrators, to TPDs with details of trainees entering their programme who have either indicated they wish additional support or who may benefit from additional support based on information held. A copy of the standard letter can be found here.

TPDs will be asked to contact Trainees who have indicated they require additional support or who are IMGs (where an IMG has previously worked in the Scotland Deanery this will be noted to inform appropriate communications). Those with CREST forms need not be contacted but TPDs should be aware of the potential that they may require support if issues are identified upon commencement of training.

TPDs will be asked to arrange individual conversations with the trainees about their needs.  TPDs may delegate this to local Educational Supervisors (ES). Programme administrators will then be able to track when the following actions have occurred.

  1. The aim is to have individualised support plans
  2. Requirement for conversations and any action plans to be recorded in portfolio with follow up arranged if necessary
  3. ES to be notified of any support needs (if they did not hold the trainee discussion)
  4. TPD/ES to be asked to advise DME of any support needs especially if departmental requirements are necessary
  5. Document in portfolio all follow up meetings

For most trainees, local departmental and educational supervisor support will be all that is required. However, for a minority more specific support options will be needed. This should be formally requested through the Trainee Development and Wellbeing service.

DMEs will also be advised of the details of trainees requesting support, who are IMGs or who hold a CREST form. A Health Board list will be prepared by Senior TPM manager and shared with DMEs. They will be advised that we have requested that the TPD liaise with the trainee.  This list can only be developed when rotations are confirmed so there will be a time interval in sending this to DMEs.


For IMGs the Deanery will also undertake a range of supportive actions:

  1. The deanery will invite them to a pre-induction webinar and IMG Induction Day.
  2. They will be invited to join the IMG Facebook group.
  3. They will be offered a buddy from the list of doctors who have offered to provide support to IMGs.
  4. GP and Mental Health teams will invite new IMGs to the STEP/Psych STEP programme.
  5. Health Board IMG lists will be shared with DMEs to enable them to implement the Softer Landing, Safer Care initiative.

Information for the trainers of IMGs can be found here.

Concern over Foundation competence in a new core/specialty trainee

If you have concerns about the Foundation competence of a core or specialty trainee recently recruited to your programme please click here for further guidance.


TPM will collate the numbers of trainees identified through these processes and report on their ARCP progress on an annual basis.  The numbers formally referred to the Trainee Development, Support and Wellbeing service will also be reported with thematic analysis of the reasons for referral.

This page was last updated on: 15.05.2023 at 11.16
