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Joy in work

Burnout in medicine is at a record high and it is well recognised that the factors driving burnout are the same as those that negatively impact on Joy in Work.

Joy in work is key to staying resilient and nurtures an engaged, productive workforce. Poor staff engagement is linked with lower quality patient care and increased rates of medical error.

We know that burnout limits healthcare workers' empathy which is a crucial component in the delivery of patient centered care.


Dr Simon Edgar, Consultant Anaesthetist in NHS Lothian introduces the concept of Joy in Work and why it so important in Medicine here.


NHS Tayside have also worked to improve Joy in Work through initiatives including Learning from Excellence (lfe). This provides peer to peer positive feedback, allowing team members to recognise great care, or acknowledge those who go the ‘extra mile’.


Dr Achyut Valluri, Consultant in Acute Medicine in Ninewells has implemented “Trickle”, a real time, online platform that gives staff a safe place to voice their concerns when they need to, whilst allowing them to celebrate excellence.

“We are on a journey to helping our staff stay connected, and when needed reconnect to their joy, passion and purpose at work”.


The Institute for Healthcare Improvement is partnering with experts to offer new thinking and have created a wealth of resources available on their website.


It is well recognised that Covid- 19 is exacerbating the pre existing issues with clinician burnout and Joy in work. The IHI have created a tool to describe “Your Psychological PPE” to promote mental health and wellbeing.

This page was last updated on: 21.06.2021 at 13.59
