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Scotland Deanery

Home of medical and dental excellence

International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

Scottish IMG Buddy Scheme (SIBS)

The Scotland Deanery has introduced a buddy scheme to support IMG doctors who are new to working in NHS Scotland. Please note to be eligible to for a buddy you are required to be working in Scotland. 

The buddy scheme is not for those looking for a job please see the careers pages.

Buddies will be doctors with experience of working in NHS Scotland and will be able to offer support and guidance about living and working here. Our aim is to match doctors with a buddy in the same location, region, graduating hospital or speciality.


Request a Buddy from the Scottish IMG Budy Scheme (SIBS)

If you are new to working in Scotland and International Medical Graduate and would like to be paired with a buddy, please register using link.  Buddies will be matched on a monthly basis. 

Volunteer to be a buddy for an IMG

A buddy can be any doctor with experience of working in NHS Scotland. Our buddy scheme includes consultants, GPs, trainees and specialty doctors. Many of our volunteers are IMGs, however some are also UK graduates.

We are seeking volunteers to act as buddies to new IMG doctors. If you are able to volunteer as a buddy, please complete the registration volunteer form link.

Further information and guidance for buddies is available here.  A job description for buddies can be found here.



This page was last updated on: 04.07.2024 at 08.06
