You will be required to evidence that you have covered 100% of the curriculum. This will be formally assessed at ARCP in June/July. A Foundation doctor can only complete F2 if they receive a satisfactory outcome (outcome 6) at their ARCP. It is your responsibility to provide the evidence so choose carefully how you demonstrate coverage. There are mandatory assessments and evidence that will be assessed by your Foundation Programme Director (FPD). The ARCP is a desktop exercise and you will not attend. If you receive a "non-standard" outcome you will be notified by your FPD and will be invited to a further meeting to discuss what actions are required.
Checklist - The UKFPO have created a ARCP checklist which can be found on page 49 of the 2021 Foundation Curriculum.
Outcomes - Please see the ARCP outcomes page for more information about ARCP outcomes.
Deadline - The Scottish Foundation School has agreed that evidence for all Annual Reviews of Competence Progression (ARCPs) must be submitted by 31st May 2024 via your Turas portfolio. Any submissions after the deadline will be considered as late submissions and you are likely to initially receive an outcome 5.
Queries - If you have any queries about your ARCP requirements, please contact your FPD.
ARCP Acknowledgement - It is your responsibility to sign/acknowledge the ARCP form in your e-portfolio after it has been completed.
Turas Training Portfolio
At your induction you should have received details on how to access and complete your Turas Training Portfolio and your FPD and programme administrators can provide you with additional help. Please also upload a photograph into your Portfolio.
The evidence to determine your progress is recorded in the e-portfolio and it is your responsibility to ensure that it is completed. The e-portfolio also helps you keep track of your own progress.
Helpful tips are available on How to Build a Portfolio.
Timeline - The Foundation School has created a timeline for completion of your portfolio throughout the training year which can be found here.
Higher Learning Outcomes (HLOs)
There are 3 Higher Level Outcomes (HLOs) - these are demonstrated by behaviours in the training programme and workplace in line with the 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs). Click here for a Summary of Assessments against the HLOs. You must complete 3 Summary Narratives, one entry per HLO, with a maximum of 300 words per HLO.
Summary Narrative
The rationale behind the Summary Narrative is that the Foundation doctor will review their learning progress and ensure that they have the required range of evidence. As a consequence of the reduced burden of assessments and having removed the minimum numbers of SLEs the Foundation doctor and their supervisors will need to be confident that the Higher Learning Outcomes (HLOs) have been met.
The summary narrative allows the Foundation doctor to write a supporting piece that will explain to the Educational Supervisor why they have selected the evidence they have for sign off. It will allow the Educational Supervisor to understand the rationale for the evidence provided.
The practicalities of writing the summary narrative are simple. Each HLO will require a 300-word maximum piece that explains the rationale for the selection of the evidence provided.
Ideally the Foundation doctor should start writing each summary narrative towards the end of post 1 to help them critically appraise their progress and help inform their PDP for the subsequent posts. The Educational Supervisor will be able to review this progress.
The content of the summary narrative is not summative (i.e. pass/fail) however having 3 completed summary narratives in place by ARCP will be mandatory.
Examples of summary narratives can be found below.
Reflection - You should complete reflections throughout the year. There is no minimum, but we expect to see several pieces of reflection in the portfolio which includes completion of your Summary Narrative.
Please see guidance produced by the Academy of Medical College
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs)
Details of the different types of SLEs can be found in your portfolio. SLEs are an interaction between a foundation doctor and a trainer which leads to immediate feedback and reflective learning. They are designed to help foundation doctors develop and improve their clinical and professional practice and to set targets for future achievements.
It is accepted that in some posts SLEs will be more difficult to achieve. There is no specific number of SLEs that need to be undertaken however you are required to provide enough evidence for each of the 13 FPCs and should use some SLEs for this purpose. You should start to record your evidence from the start of the training year and do not leave it to your last block. You must have evidence that the 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs) have been met through a variety of SLEs e.g. Mini-CEX, DOPS, CBD, DCT. The 13 FPCs make up the 3 HLOs. You can link up to 10 pieces of evidence to each FPC.
e-Learning for Health (e-LfH) has produced a module about SLEs which can be completed on the e-LfH website
Curriculum Coverage and Linkage
The Foundation Programme Curriculum can be found on the UKFPO website.
You must ensure that you have provided a range of evidence that you have covered the F1 curriculum which contains 13 Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPC) with a variable number of behaviours in each section. The portfolio will allow up to 10 pieces of evidence per FPC and each piece of evidence can be linked up to 3 times.
In the portfolio each FPC can be opened to show suggested F1 and F2 behaviours to help you with evidence linking.
You are expected to provide a range of SLEs covering physical, mental and social health.
You must provide specific evidence for FPC2: Clinical Prioritisation: recognise and, where appropriate, initiate urgent treatment of deterioration in physical and mental health. It is expected that you demonstrate these competencies through simulation. We are offer ALS courses that will provide you with the evidence, attendance and approval at a ALS course must be requested through Study Leave. If you are not booked on a course please contact your administrator for advice.
You should have an opportunity to attend an immersive simulation session of which you should record evidence of attendance, and this can be linked to your curriculum. This time can count towards core learning. If you are not booked on a course, please contact your administrator for advice. Attendance on a simulation session must be requested and approved through Study Leave.
Team Assessments of Behaviour (TABs)
Guidance about TABs can be found in your portfolio.
You must receive 1 satisfactory TABs during the year from a suitable variety of assessors including at least 2 consultants or equivalent for each TAB. This must include a TAB from your Educational Supervisor. Both the content must be satisfactory and the number representing the correct split of contributors.
You should aim to usually complete the TAB in your first post of the year. Your supervisor will review the TAB feedback at the end of your post and release the feedback to you. If the TAB is not satisfactory either due to insufficient numbers of respondents or areas for improvement identified. You will be asked to complete at least one further TAB to show improvement. You may then be asked to complete an additional TAB in the third block if necessary.
Placement Supervision Group (PSG)
The PSG is initiated by your supervisors and guidance can be found on the UKFPO website. Your PSG will usually be completed in block 2 however your clinical supervisor may wish to create this in block 1. This feedback is from senior staff members and provides you with detailed feedback and advice on your clinical skills and how you perform as a doctor. It provides additional complementary information to the TAB and you may find that it is feedback that you will want to have in your portfolio for interviews. In this form there is a section for you and the supervisor to record areas where you have demonstrated excellence i.e. a high level piece of QI, a GREATIX, or anything else worthy of comment. Guidance from the UKFPO about the importance of the PSG can be found here. You require a minimum of 1 PSG per year.
Supervisors’ Reports
You should have an induction meeting with both the Clinical and Educational Supervisor for all placements. For the majority of posts your Clinical and Educational Supervisor will be the same person and therefore a combined induction form can be completed.
You must have End of Placement Review meetings with both the Clinical and Educational Supervisor for all placements of which two must be satisfactory. The final End of Placement Review must be satisfactory. Ideally all reports should all be satisfactory however if you have had an unsatisfactory post then it may be possible to have a satisfactory ARCP as long as the final post is satisfactory. This decision is at the discretion of your FPD as they will make an assessment of your overall progress throughout the training year. For the majority of posts your Clinical and Educational Supervisor will be the same person and therefore a Combined Supervisor End of Placement Report can be completed.
End of Year FPD Report
You should also have an end-of-year report created by your FPD after evidence submission date.
General Meeting Form
Your supervisor may also complete a General Meeting Form for any meetings they have with you out with those described above.
Certificates - PSA
If you have joined in F2 without a valid Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) pass then you will have been offered a chance to sit. Further information about the PSA can be found on the MSCA website
Delivered Educational Programme (Core Learning) and Non-Core Learning
You must complete your Personal Learning Log and demonstrate a total of 60 hours of teaching attendance.
Firstly, you must demonstrate attendance at 30 hours of the formal Foundation Delivered Educational Programme (core learning). Ideally this will be face-to-face however some may be delivered via a platform such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Some sessions may be recorded in advance and uploaded to your regional TURAS Learn tile or other platform in your region. You will be provided with information regarding how your teaching will be delivered.
Secondly, you must also complete 30 hours of non-core learning. Non-core learning should not include statutory or mandatory training delivered by your employer. Statutory training is the training your health board requires you to do as part of your employment and varies between boards. Examples include fire lectures, moving and handling etc. Non-core learning can be replaced with core learning.
Please note that ALS/ILS do not count for either core or non-core learning.
For further information for contacts and teaching please for Foundation Teaching (F1 and F2) (
Recommended e-learning modules which are relevant to your training:
In previous years we have restricted the percentage of e-learning modules that can be used to contribute to the 60 hours to 10% i.e. 6 hours. This was to protect you from having to spend your precious time off doing modules if you were unable to attend teaching in paid work time. Given the challenges of COVID-19 and social distancing we have removed this limit, but please attend the Delivered Educational Programme preferentially and use the modules to ‘top up’ or to explore your interests. We would prefer you to be taught in the workplace during working hours rather than do this in your own time.
If you perceive you will have difficulties in meeting the minimum of 60 hours, please raise this with your Foundation Programme Director immediately.
Recording your Learning
When you attend a teaching session you should record this in your portfolio under the Mandatory Learning Log. When you open this drop-down you will find a form which allows you to record learning as core or non-core.
Those who do not manage to attend the minimum hours of delivered education or complete the minimum hours of non-core learning may receive an outcome 5 in the first instance and may be asked to do further learning following ARCP. This will be at the discretion of the ARCP panel and dependent on the extent of the deficit, the reasons for missed teaching and the overall quality of evidence in the e-portfolio.
Please record all teaching through Turas Portfolio and use the record of learning form for both core and non-core learning. Your FPD will only be able to see the learning log if you record it this way.
The Foundation Programme curriculum builds on undergraduate learning and is wide ranging to ensure the foundation years prepare doctors for future healthcare needs, although no programme of learning can cover the whole range of medical practice and knowledge that continues to develop. All trainees should record their attendance at formal foundation delivered education programme, provided to support their curriculum (core learning), and also record any non-core learning that they have attended either in the LEP or other venues. The learning can be face-to-face (which may be via MS Teams, videoconferencing etc) or may be via online modules or personal reading.
Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Foundation doctors should have a personal development plan (PDP) for each placement within the Rotation (training year). This should set out the specific aims and learning objectives and be based on the requirements for satisfactory completion of F1/F2 foundation programme. At the beginning of each placement the foundation doctor should agree the PDP with their supervisor and record it in their e-portfolio. The PDP should form the basis of all appraisal discussions. Once objectives have been achieved, they can be ticked off. They will remain on the PDP page to reflect your achievements throughout training. PDPs can be used for learning objectives related to your curriculum outcomes or career management goals, research goals, etc
You must demonstrate evidence of participation in systems of QA/QI. The is no recommendation on number of QI projects to be done in Foundation but you can evidence QI, attending teaching, working on modules for QI etc. You should provide evidence that you have taken an active part in processes to improve the quality of care (FPC9).
Survey completion
In blocks 1 and 2 you should complete the Scottish Trainee Survey (STS). In block 3 you should complete the GMC National Trainee Survey (NTS). You can record participation under “Achievements" in your e-portfolio using the completion code or other relevant information. The Scotland Deanery takes the feedback it receives about your training posts very seriously; the comments you provide anonymously feed into our annual report and we use this data to make improvements to the training posts. This is not mandatory however the feedback we receive is essential for us to make changes to the training programmes.
Absence Declaration and Absence
Ahead of your ARCP the Training Management team will send you a request to submit an absence declaration via Questback which will be sent to you in Spring.
Absence - GMC position statement June 2013 - Absence from Training in Foundation. Please note that if you have been absent from work for more than 20 working days (other than Study Leave and Annual Leave) including Sick Leave, Paternity Leave, Special Leave, Compassionate Leave etc. this will trigger a review and you may need to complete additional training time. Any other sickness, counts towards the 20 days. For clarity the Deanery will only count non-statutory leave on the days you were expected to be at work i.e. if you are off sick for 14 days but this straddles weekends when you were not expected to work this will count as 10 days.
If you breech the 20 days this will trigger a review by your Associate Dean who will decide if further training time is necessary. This will be managed in a similar way across the four regions in Scotland.
You will need to complete an annual SOAR declaration and the link will be sent to you ahead of your ARCP.
This page was last updated on: 25.04.2024 at 12.19