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Courses & Events

Symposium: Medicine of Older People

Course/Event Date: Friday, March 10, 2023

Course/Event Duration: 1 Day

Course/Event Description

A great success of modern medicine is our ageing population. This requires all health and care practitioners to tailor services to meet the potentially complex needs of older people, many of whom live with multiple long-term conditions and frailty. This symposium focusses on the cutting edge of medicine for older people, showing how we can apply the principles of best geriatric medicine care to other medical and surgical specialities, major trauma and community settings.

Sessions will focus on:

  • Optimising care for older people in the perioperative setting or after major trauma
  • Recently released World Falls Guidelines with the latest evidence to prevent, manage and treat older adults at risk of falls
  • Balancing the risks and benefits of complex surgical procedures for older adults with prostate disease, intracerebral bleeds and spinal disease
  • Using big data to aid clinical decision making for older people with frailty and multiple long-term conditions
  • Developing the next generation of specialists – a session focussed on the new 2022 curriculum for geriatric medicine

Dr Atul Anand
Chair of Organising Committee

Organising Committee members:
Dr Anusha Balasubramanian, Dr Gordon Duncan, Dr Amy Illsley, Dr Claire McDonald, Dr Irantha Rathnayaka, Dr Alex Stirzaker and Prof Miles Witham

Event Delivery:

This hybrid event allows the opportunity for delegates to watch the presentations in-person at the College, or online live, or at their convenience for up to 28 days following the original broadcast.  There will be a mix of speakers presenting from the College and online via web-link. 

Delegates can continue to register for on-demand access only after the live event has taken place. The talks will be available to view on-demand by the second working day after the live event and access closes 28 days after the original broadcast, not after the point of booking.

Course/Event Venue: Hybrid

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Medicine

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