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Scotland Deanery

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Courses & Events

Principles of Joint Injection Course using Thiel Cadavers

Course/Event Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Course/Event Duration: 1 Day

Course/Event Description

Course Faculty:

Andrew Suttie, Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner

Angela Duncan, General Practitioner

Paula McDonald, Advanced Practice MSK Podiatrist

This course is for Doctors only.

This one day injection course blends lectures, joint assessment demonstrations, clinical scenarios, and practical time with injection practice on full body Thiel fixed Cadavers (Shoulder, Elbow & Hand, Hip & Knee, Foot & Ankle) in order to correctly identify injection target.

On completion of the course the delegates should be able to explain the pharmacology of local anaesthetic and corticosteroid drugs as well as the indications for and contraindications to injection techniques. They will also be able to perform peripheral joint examination/assessment of patients and to correctly identify the pathology and determine the appropriate drug selection and dosage.

The course will help the delegate develop skills required to perform safe peripheral joint injection.

 TCGP - The Assistant Director of GP Postgraduate Education for East and South-East Scotland has confirmed that TCGP no longer exists and trainees, if wishing to attend the course would have to apply for the course through study leave, through your TPD who would consider your application and request for funding, the trainee may have to partially or fully self-fund depending on other use of study leave.


The University of Dundee is currently the leading centre in the UK using Thiel embalmed cadavers, thanks to the pioneering work of its Centre of Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID.) for more information on our Thiel courses.

Fee: £425

Course/Event Venue: Surgical Skills Centre, Level 5, Ninewells Hospital

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • GP - Public Health & Occupational Medicine

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