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Courses & Events

British Society for Haematology Internal Medicine Training Education Day

Course/Event Date: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Course/Event Duration: 1 Day

Course/Event Description

The annual BSH IMT day will return to a face-to-face format this year. The content is designed for Internal Medicine Trainees and mapped to the IMT curriculum to cover topics on malignant haematology, haemostasis and thrombosis, red cell disorders and transfusion. 

The course has two aims: to give the medical registrars of the future the knowledge and confidence to manage patients with haematological disorders and to inspire the next generation of haematology registrars.  

The meeting may also be useful for senior nursing staff and clinical scientists who work in haematology.​

Provisional programme (subject to change)

Trainee Educational Bursaries

We are delighted to announce our new bursaries to support BSH Members who are Specialist Trainees' attendance at our educational face-to-face events throughout 2000. The full details and application form can be found here. 

Course/Event Venue: Royal College of Pathologists, London

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Medicine

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