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Scotland Deanery

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Courses & Events

Beyond Antibiotics – A Preventative Approach to Infectious Diseases

Course/Event Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022

Course/Event Duration: 1 Day

Course/Event Description

Title:               Beyond Antibiotics – A Preventative Approach to Infectious Diseases

Date:              Thursday 15 September 2022

Audience:     all levels of healthcare professionals including those within adult and paediatric infectious diseases, microbiology and virology as well as those from primary care, secondary care, and public health

Remit:            The many facets of infectious disease management have never been more in the spotlight than in the last 2 years. In this symposium we will focus on the broad subject of prevention of diseases caused by infectious pathogens, considering our experience of, but looking beyond SARS CoV 2 including:

  • A practical look at the “other pandemic” of antimicrobial resistance with examples of real world antibiotic prescribing pitfalls, focusing on individual patient care as well as stewardship.
  • Vaccination science, what do practitioners need to know and how can we apply this knowledge to our daily practice
  • Ventilation as a prevention for airborne infection-is this practical?
  • Public and individual health approaches including global and local, adult and paediatric care.

Website:       Book now for this hybrid event. Early bird deadline:17 August 2022.

Course/Event Venue: Hybrid: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and online

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Anaesthesia - Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine
  • Diagnostics
  • Medicine
  • Mental Health
  • Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics
  • GP - Public Health & Occupational Medicine
  • Foundation Programme Board

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