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Scotland Deanery

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Courses & Events

Basic Orthopaedic Procedural Skills Course

Course/Event Date: Monday, January 1, 0001

Course/Event Duration: 1 Day

Course/Event Description

Basic Orthopaedic Procedural Skills (BOPS)


Course/Event Date: 



Course/Event Duration: 

1 day


Course/Event Description:

Upcoming dates

24 October 2023

30 January 2024

26 March 2024


By attending this course, you will learn the principles of skin suturing, plastering, digital nerve blocks, joint aspiration, emergency fracture treatment and spinal immobilisation.

This course will:

  • Introduce basic procedural skills applicable for junior doctors completing orthopaedic placements or involved in the emergency treatment of orthopaedic patients
  • Introduce basic knowledge and fundamental principles required to perform each skill
  • Allow practice and guidance of each skill in a simulated, safe environment
  • Improve understanding and confidence with these procedures


Course/Event Venue: 

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 232-242 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RJ


This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Orthopaedic and trauma, general surgery, emergency medicine
  • Foundation Doctors, GPSTs, Orthopaedic ST1s, EM junior doctors, senior medical students


More Details:

Basic Orthopaedic Procedural Skills

Course/Event Venue: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 232-242 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RJ

This course is targeted at the following specialty Groupings:

  • Surgery

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